Screwing With The 'Bot

I write the words "busboy" and "Trailways" in a post and suddenly all my Google ads are about buses. I hate buses.
So let's try something different: RitzCarlton. Four Seasons. Peninsula. Patek Phillipe. Armani. Piaget. Rolls Royce. Mercedes Benz. Lexus. BMW. Bentley. Dom Perignon. Chateau Lafite.
Try that out, Google robot.
Oh, and high-priced call girl. What the hell.
10:49 PM
Splitting my gut laughing! I would get sealing wax ads. So I changed the blurb to "winged pigs" and foiled the bots.
But now Google Ads doesn't work with Beta Blogger, so I'm ad free for the time being.