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"Pre-Order" Isn't Really A Word.

Here's a link to a book by an author who is . . .um . . . very close to me. No cover yet, but it has an Amazon page. I happen to know that the author needs to unload about 200,000 of these things. So if each reader of this blog will just buy about 1,500 copies that would be really, really great.

“"Pre-Order" Isn't Really A Word.”

  1. Blogger Michael Reynolds Says:

    No, you can't wait for the paperback.

  2. Blogger Michael Reynolds Says:

    By the way, the author informs me he wasn't complaining about the lack of a cover, just explaining that there's no art up on Amazon. The author knows how hard the editors and artists work.

  3. Blogger Unknown Says:

    I'm sure he does know how hard editors and artists work! Before placing the order for my 1500, however, it would be nice to know a little something about the book, such as what it is about or its target audience. ;-)

  4. Blogger Michael Reynolds Says:


    It's the perfect book for all occasions and all readers. Old, young, Christian and Jew, black, white, rich, poor, English-speaking, Mandarin-speaking, those who love mystery, adventure, romance, science fiction, fantasy, sudoku, cookbooks, manga, historicals, non-fiction, diet books . . . Not since the Holy Bible or perhaps Shakespeare's collected works, has any one book been so right for so many people.

    Although it would probably be best for young adult readers who like fantasy horror.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous Says:

    Well bro, one down, 199,999 to go!
    Tiph :)

  6. Blogger Unknown Says:

    199,998 to go.

    BTW, awfully quiet around here. I should talk I know, but still...