50 Point IQ Differential
Never has any blogger more richly deserved a better bunch of comment-writers. Rick Moran is smart, thoughtful and honest. About half of his regular comment-writers are howler monkeys.
Please, some of you who regularly comment here, read this piece by Rick. It's Moran at his best. After you read it, leave a comment there. The guy deserves better.
Please, some of you who regularly comment here, read this piece by Rick. It's Moran at his best. After you read it, leave a comment there. The guy deserves better.
12:39 PM
Moran's commentary on Iraq has been outstanding, Michael. He's very much a realist, much to the chagrin of some of his readers.
6:35 PM
michael reynolds:
A few fairly good points in the post but they are not new. Seen that sort of thing argued rather better before.
Then it goes off into a sort of mad rant about the "European" left who dare criticize the US admin because of torture. Once he has valiantly beaten down this man of straw he goes after the "hysterical liberals" for being defeatist, probably to please his readers.
I do not have much sympathy for left wing ideas myself but I find the author`s attitude childish.
Then he turns the question of torture and how to deal with it into "a matter of concience" - funny, I thought it was illegal and unconstitutional but let that pass - and declares "Anything else would be un-American". So what does that mean ? Is it worth finding out ?
All in all: Unimpressed.
10:00 PM
I'm getting a blank page from the link.
Bummer, that.
2:28 AM
There's a nobility about him, dammit.