He's The Tail, We're The Dog
It's happy mush until the end. And then, "I pledge to be a servant to our president and all mankind . . ."
What the fuck?
Hey, geniuses, he works for us. He's our servant. We pay him, he doesn't pay us. Hollywood pinheads. Jesus Christ fajita.
1:59 AM
I'd complain that it's undignified to allow yourself to be filmed while under the influence of Kool-Aid but these are Hollywoodies we're talking about here; dignity is not a qualification for their jobs.
Point is, this is not how a free people acts. If we were supposed to be in awe of our leader, we'd have a king instead of a President.
12:28 PM
Hey, ask not what your president can do for you, ask what you can do for your president.
1:29 PM
Nice patriotic sentiment; misplaced, however.