One Good Reason.
Friday, June 15, 2007 by Michael Reynolds
One good reason to vote for Rudi Giuliani? He kept his head in a crisis.
. . . Hillary Clinton? You knock her down seven times, she stands up eight.
. . . Barack Obama? It might be a nice change to have a president who wasn't completely incoherent.
. . . John McCain? The Hanoi Hilton.
. . . Mitt Romney? No.
. . . Fred Thompson? Ditto.
. . . John Edwards? At least he's specific.
. . . Bill Richardson? Hell of a resume.
. . . Joe Biden? He's probably right about the Iraq endgame.
. . . Chris Dodd? Um . . . I got nothing.
. . . Mike Huckabee? Hey, the man lost some weight, that's not easy.
. . . Al Gore? Dude has a tendency to be right on the big things.
. . . Newt Gingrich? Might be fun to see how much lower the GOP could sink.